with me

i looked at the clock
it is 8.15am
i am running so freaking late
jumped out of my bed
and started fishing in my wardrobe for clothes
needed to prepare and go to work

the CEO of the company is visiting
and heading to office for some speech

after dressing up and applying the make up
i reached to phone and dialed for cab
damn it
why do i have to not be able to sleep last night

that was what happened in the morning
and it didn't seem to help
when i arrived in the office
with FHA blabbing about hungriness and food

yes the bitch in me
rolls her eyes at him (almost all the time)

sometimes in my heart
i feel that i want to be needed
feel like falling in love with love

i guess...
it is true when people say play a song
and i feel the song
lucid introduced me this song
sum41 with me
and got me totally hooked


i n t e r e s t i n g