漫长的 雨天

general elections is around the corner
and lots of comments and reactions from netizens on yahoo
it's interesting to see that so many people
that agitated over what the prime minister or MPs say
as for myself
my vote is going to the..反对党 or opposition
though it is my 1st time voting but i feel that 
it is time for other parties to be in the parliament
instead of monopolizing

i do agree that the housing prices for locals is getting way too ridiculous
increasing the population as the way it is by bringing in foreigners
doesn't make sense to me

oh well
just cross our fingers on 7th may

the rainy day
is so slow and
i miss ivan..
am gonna meet him again later though
can't wait to knock off
zoom straight to bukit batok to see him
feel like just lying on his shoulders
and relax the evening

my hot milo to warm me on the rainy day :)

just for laughs
came across this really funny blog that rina introduced


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