you don't understand me﹐i don't blame you

everyone has a dead space before
we can't walk out of it ourselves nor can anyone walk in
i left my deepest darkest secret there

everyone has a wound before
be it deep or shallow
thinking that it would not exist once it is covered up
i left my pool of blood there

everyone has a relationship before
put in all the effort, energy, feelings into it
was touching and also yet hurting
i left my most passionate feelings there

everyone has cried a tear before
made from cold water drank and formed to hot tears in the eye
i left my saddest grievances there

everyone has a confession before
filled with honest feelings and courage but in anxiety
i left my expressive emotions there

you will never see the moment i love you most
because only when i do not see you, then do i love you the most
you will never see the moment that i am lone
because only when you do not see me, then i am the loneliest

my sadness is too well-hidden
i know how to comfort my wounds too well
just maybe


boys and girls
don't get too worried over me
i am perfectly fine
just that have the sudden feel to just be emotional on words
and to 'pen' it down


春卷,蒸蛋鸡翅膀,beancurd skin,虾饺

breakfast with ivan on sunday morning at 瑞春
the dimsum served is kind of disappointing 
as the ambience and outlook of the eatery looks promising
so when we had the food
my satisfaction dropped 


i n t e r e s t i n g