rainy days

i hate the weather these days
especially if it rains heavily when i am about to go home

sometimes i wonder if i am too quiet
or do i give people the feeling that i am aloof

tread carefully on worklife
it is as thin as ice
when you do things that are overboard
people will just remember the bad and the image just gets worse
maybe that is why
people around you do not like working with you

the girl (ms 不醒目)
from what i heard
is gonna get the letter to leave
i guess in the real working world
it is not the qualifications that counts
the work attitude and the little things you do
plus the personality are more important

love the work environment here
just that i seriously need more work to do
feel like i am swatting flies and mosquitoes at times

i am starting on my exercise regime back
as well as my no rice diet
so hopefully my weight will start going down


i n t e r e s t i n g