air reading

sometimes i wonder if people really know air reading
in cantonese 醒目

girl ah u are already 21
stop acting like ur 12
grow up and be more responsible
ur here to work not play
almost everyone is talking to me about your flaws
so its a wake up call
before the situation turns for the worse

air read the atmosphere
dun shoot off whatever is in your head without censoring
be diligent
be humble
know how to take instructions clearly
apologise if u make any mistakes

i need more work to do
the workload here is one third of what i used to do
which means lots of spare time
to daydream
not a good thing
reminiscing the past
i would have been over the cloud if its lesser
but i dun like it either when i have got nothing much to do
too free till i considered taking up part time courses

bored n too free


  1. Ha, missing the crazy hectic life huh?
    Or missing sensible people like meeeeee Kakakaka XD

  2. lol i like to be just nice 'busy' =P as long as not over the limit should be okay.

    only 1 of the peeps is pretty senseless, till her IC come complain to me la!


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