living without you

i thought i couldn't live without
facebook and msn
because we were all using the application
in our everyday working life

now that we are banned from using facebook and msn
my blog is more updated
in fact i update my blog almost everyday now

so it simply shows one thing
doesn't mean that if you ban or restrict applications
you can't do your personal stuff
it's just through a different channel

lately i'm thinking of career change
yes i know
most of u who're reading this will have this bubble thought
"yeah i heard you saying that since the age of dinosaurs"
"i've already changed job and you're still there!"

not that i dun want to change
i'm stuck with the contract here

well in fact i'm pretty sure a lot
of my other colleagues here
want to change the boss or job
just that they're bounded here by contract

i guess my boss or management people
will never realise
that the assets of the company includes
the workers or employees

current company
no staff benefits
no medical benefits
no 13th month bonus
no incentives
no acknowledgement
no appreciation
no additional leave days
pro-rated leave days
medical certificate must be from government polyclinic
no overtime pay
no transportation claims even if you work late
no meal allowances

basically the only good thing
about the company
is the staff people here
more like my working colleagues
in the same department
no office politics
where everyone is working
to help each other out
of course we do have our differences at times
not that we are perfect

it kinda makes me wonder
if the local companies in singapore
is taking after the government
you don't have 
any freedom of speech

it's like being bounded
and you are stuck in a fixed space
to perform
and then expect to have the best results

*some of the pictures that i like


i n t e r e s t i n g