new hair part 2

it's just a picture of toooooothbrush~ dun think toooo much =D

just cutted my hair again recently!! and it's like shorter on the left side and longer on the right. my blonde patch is still around though. was actually considering to change the patch of color, but then decided not to. =) prob next month i shall then color my hair again.

very long never go sing ktv with the gang le... i feel like singing...the reason why i didn't bark it out on facebook is cuz since kelvin n kimberly broke up, we're contemplating on who to ask...although, they look alright and all on facebook, but well it's hard to tell.

haiz..super sianz!

i'm going out to watch movie later, so slacking my time off in office right now. can't the clock move any faster??? ewww....
oh yeah and one super duper big news! my beloved brother is FINALLY going to pulau tekong next thurs! muahhahaha~ means that no one is gonna bug me when i use the computer @ home, and peace at home! =)) hehehe (i'm such a bitch n evil sister la!)

hope i have a great night n weekend n also enuff rest!!! n i'll definitely post my new hair like by next week!

ps: pictures above are from deviantart, just thought that its some pretty pictures to share with! 


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