big shockzz!

hmm okays, its been several days since i wrote something here. and its been like a crazy roller coaster ride.

for today i'm gonna list down the things that i dislike!

Dislike List! *raWrrrSSS*

1) cockroaches - including all major pests
2) hate meaningless arguments
3) politics..history stuff - really bad @ those, prob fall asleep hearing them
4) forcing me to do anything that i dun like

temporarily its like this for now, can't really think of anything further for the time being. xD

but anyways, i seriously can't match ah tim's voice to what he looks like. i mean yeah i know he's big but he's like wayyyyyy tooo big. and worse is he falls into the above category list above of number 3 and 4.

i hope that he could at least understand me better, and may we be good friends. anyways i dun think it was possible for both of us right from the beginning, because he isn't someone whom i would really like for a boyfriend. i think i should juz tell him straight that 'we're better off being friends'. =)


i n t e r e s t i n g