
my next vacation plans are fixed :)
will be heading to manila, bacolod from 25-31 october
then coming back to singapore from 31 october
mr tan will be here till 5 november before flying back
after which i am going bangkok with yt 13-16 november

it is so tiring today
but i feel productive though
at the very least
i managed to focus and just slog it out
on what i wanted to do

most of the time i get scrambling around
when things all come at the same time
or when i see a new email
i get distracted off from the current task
that i am doing
but not today
as i am determined to get one of the tasks
out of the way before i start to work
on the rest
my list goes on and on
am busy but not that stressed out
as my boss does not give me deadlines
maybe cos he knows that i am 
already working with lots of vessels' deadlines

okay talk again tomorrow
crossing fingers won't be too busy! :)


i n t e r e s t i n g