big thanks :)

lately i am feeling full of energy
regardless of
work, family, friends
like as if i can take on the world

my birthday present from frankie!

tanjong pagar mrt on 25 feb @ 7-ish pm

speaking of which
i had to wait for the 3rd train before i got on that day
it's kinda frustrating
when that happens
should just 'feedback' to SMRT!

today frankie gave me a surprise
he gave me my birthday present in advance
it was a philips bluetooth device which
enables u to use the headset together with the mp3
and any bluetooth-enabled phone
its really cool n easy to use
like the present very much :)

i'm planning to go get my rmk makeup base this week
IPSA sent me a $30 bucks birthday voucher
now i am caught in a dilemma
should i go for IPSA or to try RMK?
or maybe i should just get both?

i wanna thank everyone who has been through in my life
be it good or bad
they are the memories and experience that shaped who i am today

especially to my mom
for loving who i am
and tolerating me and my nonsense at times


i n t e r e s t i n g