the ms otaku hunt!

in the toilet with legs almost breaking =p but still muz make hair nice nice la heheheh.

yup finally part time photographer snaps herself lolx and its blurry one some more la!

its vday u know, pose pose and more POSE!! hahahz

"what the heck are we supposed to do with this card? eat it??"

check the mushroom cheese pizza out man yo!

listening to ah gwen's talk??

oh yeah~ sukiyaki~ but this was already half eaten hahhahaz! maybe next time again =p

flying smooch kiss on vday o.O?

ahhh hot hot hot!!!!! ehh what is it that i'm eating again?? =O

upclose and asparagus omelette!! though part of it was already eaten by ah gwen liao!!!
look @ all the fooooood!! we got like a mushroom cheese burger, asparagus omelette,
sukiyaki, mushroom soup, pumpkin soup & also the mentaiko pizza!!! *drools*

valentine's day has juz passed!

and the way i spent it was with 2 lovely ladies for a sumptuous meal @ shokudo streets and a almost 5hr shopping spree at orchard. lol. yup that was how it was.

the food at shokudo streets were surprisingly nice, except for the pumpkin and mushroom soup. cuz we used to go gaga over the soups @ shokudo pasta & pizza at cineleisure instead, and apparently the ones at shokudo streets are not as nice though. we didn't even finish the soup.

so far the food that i liked alot is the asparagus omelette =D its reallly nice and cheesy inside, and it tastes even better if its hot! there're also other nice foods in shokudo streets, but we didn't get to try 'em all cuz we're too full to eat any other stuff!!!! i wanna try the deserts corner the next time that we go there!! ^_^

after the nice delicious food, its time to walk the streets and burn some fats you know. we walked from heeren to ck tang and then we spent majority of our time in fareast shopping plaza walking in and out of shops. until it was like 9 plus, everyone's legs are almost giving way but worse was ah bon mama and gwen mama cuz they wore heels to shop we went over to the shopping centre again to buy flats to end of the day in the 7-11 drinking pocari sweat and chatting all else away!

till again~


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