the trip!

have joined Teekay
a shipping company 
am doing my best to learn the ropes 
as much as i can
because the predecessor is leaving her post at the end of the year
and i will be the only one left to do her job

am so looking forward to next week
it's the long-awaited trip to philippines with him
of course not just the both of us :)
together with his younger sis, parents
and we will be staying in his younger brother's home
this time round 
i get to meet his whole family plus his extended ones
so kinda exciting for me

counting down to the days!
to create more memories with him

mom isn't really too happy about it though
she thinks that dex is not someone for me
just because he is much older than me
stays in canada and not in singapore

i believe she will change her opinion 
after she meets and get to interact with him



i n t e r e s t i n g