spring cleaning

time to spring clean 
both my room, wardrobe and also my life :)

i think many of us cling on to
friendships and relationships well past their use-by-date
believing that quantity is more important than quality
when it comes to people in our lives

sometimes it is better
to let people who no longer make me feel good
be it past relationships or friendships
time to focus on people who make me happy instead

started afresh with a clean slate and a clear mind
by getting my finances in order
felt kinda scary to assess my financial situation
but it snapped me awake :)
set myself a budget for the years to come
to cut down on splurging stuff
especially from online shopping

started work in flux just early this week!
so far everything is cool
feels like back in i models
with just a small group of people working
crossing fingers everything will work fine

am kinda excited to be meeting up clients next week for presentation!


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