25th January to 4th February

the day that i went for my vacation in Vancouver
flight on cathay pacific was pretty nice
service was good and cabin crew were polite n helpful
i wasn't looking forward to their food though (from SG-HK, HK-YVR)
overall it was a nice satisfying experience

he (dex/chuddie) was there to pick me up on the first day :) 
the first thing that i did was to blow my breath into the cold surroundings
it was my first cold breath
the weather was cold but mild
just the way i like it

printed itenary for vancouver :) was super excited

@ the waiting area inside changi airport after check-in

my boarding pass!! finally flying to canada, vancouver!

the view at one of the shopping mall, aberdeen centre
dex brought me to try their fried squid and chicken wings for snacks
i can't remember if we took pictures of the food
as most of the pictures are taken from his phone

i like the weather and view there a lot
it was chilly and cold
buildings there are not congested like the city
by the way the area that we are in is called Richmond
populated with lots of asians
it looked and feel more like Hong Kong
as i hear lots of people speaking cantonese :)

@ one of the supermarts
practically filled with asians!!

this is a miniature food set @ one of the restaurants
i think its the restaurant that serves a fusion of Malaysian & Thai cuisine
just can't remember the name 
sheez..think i'm getting old and senile!

that's dex victory fingers to see how small the miniatures are :)

yes my man who is lying on bed playing with his phone!

we took the skytrain in vancouver
apparently their system is based on goodwill system
and there's no gantry or officers stationed to check on tickets
the only people who would check on if you have paid for your fare...
the police!  

this was one of the stations that we stopped to go to Downtown :)
you can smell the aroma of coffee once you are in here!
a hot cuppa coffee before u go to the platform!

a picture of how the train lines run in Vancouver! :)

yes the man is always on his phone whenever he is free :P 
has to stay on top in the charts of SC 

cam-whoring cum waiting for food in the Greek restaurant, Stepho's Souvlaki Greek Taverna, that we were in

one of my favorite dishes in the restaurant - Tzatziki with Pita bread

we squeezed lemon over the baked cheese :) and eat it with the bread! omg the home-made food was so good and the serving was so much that we had to pack home whatever we couldn't finish 

the lamb that i ordered :) and the meat was tender, juicy and tastes super nice!

calamari set :) we couldn't finish the portion..and had to take home!

this is the view that we saw when we were in sea taxi, basically it's a small boat that brings you across the river if you are not taking the subway or if you are not driving

raspberry tea from.......Joey Burrard

almost every restaurant that you walk into have heater on
so there is not much need to keep the thick winter jacket on unless you are walking in the streets 

ultimate sinful dessert but yet so good..i present to you..
Molten Lava Chocolate Souffle @ Joey Burrard

it really oozes out!! n the chocolate is sooooooo warm with the ice-cream and raspberry sauce..you will feel like the happiest person on earth :)

the views that we had around the famous Stanley Park
it was cold when the winds were blowing on your face
but i love the cold weather there :)
maybe cuz i am staying in singapore where u get the summer all year long

an indian carving of the orca @ the aquarium! :)

made a wish by the orca fountain :) i'm not telling! 

we drove up to have our next snack - Beavertail :D 

this is where we have it
it is something like a flat dough where the person would deep-fry it on the spot
and then coat it on with cinnamon sugar :) voila~

just some of the weird flavors that they offer =))

it's sooooo nice and crispy! :) 

and we had pizzas over at Kyla (Katz32) & Randy (Jinxren)'s place with their lil one Finly! 
and she was soooooo cute n bubbly :)

the day we went up to Grouse Mountain via the gondola :) it was my first snow experience!
@ the restaurant, The Obervatory, before we head out to the snow

beef steak  versus smoked sockeye salmon!!

one and only :)

he took me to watch hockey game..can u believe it?!?
Canucks versus Chicago won for a score of 3-2! :D
it's my first time watching it live and i felt kinda bad for him spending so much on me..

the saddest time of the trip was when we have to part.. 
but we still do talk as much as we can now that i am back in singapore..
i can't wait to travel to meet him again!


i n t e r e s t i n g