its nearing the end of november..

somehow i juz feel that my life is so unexciting, almost everyday is the same routine. sleep, eat, work, internet. need something to spice up my life!!! even nowadays i seldom have the time to watch anime.

my dsl is my new best friend =D so far i've tried out quite a number of games. and some worth recommending are~

Zelda: Phantom of the Hourglass
- easy to catch on, great storyline, probably the only thing that is not too fantastic is the graphics. =)

Final Fantasy: Revenant Wings
- at first i thought its gonna be a 2d oh-so-boring rpg with the as usual storyline, but then after that i got sort of like hooked on. the story is simple (basically like the evil villian attempts to destroy the earth..then heroes saves the day) and for me personally, i like the battles only where you get to choose the monsters/minions to fight.

currently i'm playing the animal crossing: wild world & my japanese coach. so i'll write another short review after trying it out more. =)

ps: the pic is my partner at work! muahahhahaha


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